I thought R and I could do with a proper walk today. I made it sound more interesting by saying we were going to “Strawberry Land”. She had just been watching a very schmaltzy programme about a girl called Strawberry Shortcake so I thought it would appeal. Mr. P made a good joke about her friend being called “Raspberry Flan” and so we set off to see if we could find where they lived. 2008_03170017.jpgDown the lane, across the road and then down a steep hill to a magic place with a fast flowing steam, wild garlic and an old mill. R was getting irritated by me stopping to take pics every few mins as it was “boring”. Oh dear. What is she going to be calling me when she’s a teenager? At one point she lay face down in the mud in protest. I was getting into using the “sport” setting on the camera to snap the river flowing. 2008_03170025.jpgI also managed a good one of R splashing in the puddles.After we’d struggled back up the big hill and narrowly missed getting run down by our friendly farmer in a ridiculous sized tractor carrying an old gate on it’s forklift (that gate has been cluttering up the farmyard for yonks though), what should I see en route to the back door? Yes! My little lambs boinging all over the place. Really chuffed that I managed to get my “mid-boing” shot. 2008_03170031.jpgWasn’t quite the country idyll shot I would have liked seeing as the lamb has silly placcy mac on and is slathered in indigo dye but you can’t have everything. And what better drink to refresh ourselves with on our return from Strawberry Land than Strawberry Milk? As R would say “the perfect end to the perfect day”. Yes probably some schmaltzy phrase repeated from the schmaltzy tv programme.2008_03170034.jpg